Resign or Resign or Resign?

Although it is still early in the school year (for schools that follow a Northern hemisphere calendar), it is the time in many international schools when teachers whose contracts finish at the end of this school year need to decide if they are job hunting or staying put. Recently a couple of friends joyously posted on social media that they have resigned (signed again) and will be staying at their current school for at another year or two. I have been in touch with others who are resigning (handing in their resignation or stating that they will not be resigning) instead and looking for a new post. I have a feeling I will also be hearing from some who debated moving on but instead have resigned (reconciled) themselves to resign.

My contract is up at the end of this year but at my current school contract renewals don’t take place until February…

pencc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Andrew Magill:


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