
Last Thursday, I blogged about feeling “homesick” on my other blog. (Homesick is in quotation marks because I usually miss people not places and I haven’t even lived some of the places I miss.) Then I spent Thursday and Friday at an SGIS conference in Leysin, Switzerland (and I got to hear Stephen Krashen speak! But that’s not what this post is about).

My school blocks Twitter (that could be another blog post as well) but the school where the conference was being held does not so I was able to spend two days on Twitter and connect with friends new and old along the way. It made me realize how much I miss that connectivity.

At the conference there were only 3, yes 3, people tweeting. Me, my friend Kate and Glenn (a librarian at the host school). I realized pretty quickly that I was not in Asia anymore and it made me sad. At one point I sent out this tweet:

At a conference and there are only 3 people tweeting. #notinAsiaanymore Missing @librarianedge @klbeasley @colingally @louisephinney & more!

— Megan Graff (@megangraff) March 8, 2013


Within a few minutes I had heard back from both K-L and Colin and I missed them even more. However exchanging a few tweets with them and with others was good for my soul.

Today, back at home, I managed to catch up with several friends in Singapore via Facebook and Gmail chat (and to connect with @whatedsaid via Twitter too). Combined with bright sunshine and having gone for coffee (in France) this morning with a friend here, I am feeling more connected. It made me realize I need to make an effort to catch people online and maybe even go so far as to set up chat “dates”. When I lived in Singapore, I made sure I always had phone cards to call friends in N. America and Australia but when I was in Tanzania it was harder and  I got out of the habit and never got in the habit of regular contact with those still in Singapore. This carried over when I moved here. Now six months later I am realizing how much being connected is part of who I am.

I haven’t booked any flights as of yet and if I can catch my sister online perhaps I won’t need to…

Photo Credit: via Compfight cc


Update: I have changed the title of the post from Disconnected to Reconnected (but not the URL because I already Tweeted it) AND I caught up with my sister, my niece and my nephew via Facetime.

2 thoughts on “Reconnected

  1. Hi Megan

    As someone whose immediate family was on 5 different continents for years, I can identify.

    I’m glad we have reconnected 🙂